Sunday, 23 November 2008

A change in the weather

Plans had been made to meet Jumbly and Carolyn at 11am over at top barn. Since my legs are sore and tired from the last two days rides I left at 9:40am, this should have been loads of time to go the longer way over. Instead I battled hail, rain and wind, took the shortest route and was still a little late! We headed over to leadmines, no chance of me getting the up there it was so slippy and windy! Past healey nab (leaving the woods for another day) and back over to rivington. At this point it got even wetter and the decision was made to leave the cafe for another day. Jumbly headed while me and Carolyn climbed back up the AICR onto Georges lane, her we split we me going along Belmont Old road, didn't fancy ging over winter hill again.

Got home and a quick wash of the bike with the bucket I had left behind the front droor, clothes off and woolly dry clothes on and its time for a lazy afternoon.

Stats 26miles @ 8mph; 850m climbed


  1. I hope you were a bit warmer today.

    I'm not surprised your legs are sore. The ride to Southport sounds very hard to me; and I was genuinely amazed at the hills you were managing to power up on your single speed yesterday.

  2. Temperature was probably the same only I had rain and hail as well! I came back on a mainly road route so I got home quicker!

  3. another tough ride...not to boast but we had lovely clear skies and no precipitation at all ;)
