Saturday, 6 December 2008

Happy Birthday Pootle

Today was my friend Pootle's birthday so it seemed on sensible since we live so far away that Ali and I should celebrate by going out on a pootle ride. Ali had big plans about where we should go so I suggested seeing how she felt when we got to Rivington. Most of the slush was melted when we got to Smithills and I was enjoying riding my bike up hills instead of pushing. Soon though we were on tarmac and I said something to Ali and she dived at my feet, black ice nothing she could do. Then on Winter Hill itself some bits were impossible due to the ice. Ali tried to find some softer snow for a snow for a snow angel but it was all too hard - shame she missed tuesday she would have loved it.

We then headed back via Barrow Bridge, on the way down I here Ali say I'm going to crash and the next thing I know she is on the floor, I couldn't stop as it was just solid ice till I got to the bottom, fortunately only a few metres away, this time she kindly waited for me to get a picture. I then took Ali home a new way for her, by this point she was a little tired so it was nice to get home.


  1. Just had a very icy run, including frozen snow that was stuff not actually runnable. Had fun though. Hope Ali is ok, you won't get me out on that stuff on a bike!

  2. Poor Ali, I hope she is alright.
    No CX today?

  3. Hope Ali not too battered and broken after that! Sounds like you had fun.

  4. that does look a bit treacherous!

  5. ps-good luck to ali for the fell run, hope she's not too bruised from today!

  6. Ouch! That looks like hard stuff to land on. Hope Ali's feeling ok!

  7. Just noticed your earlier Twitter...Go for it! You can make 8000! You really are very close...
