Friday, 12 December 2008

Free miles

Yesterday I had planned to go out and pick a few things up that I needed for Christmas, it never happened though I was having one of my I can't leave the house days. So today I knew I had to do it, first I had a Dr's appointment in the morning, which went fine. Then home and straight out. Nipped over to Stockport, then Ramsbottom and then home. Even though it was just to pick a few bits up I got a good ride out of it.

45.45miles @14.7mph
610m climbed

The other thing I'm wondering about is combining blogs, at the moment I have two, although the other one is a different format as it is through a forum. I'm thinking of just blogging everything here, but then the other stuff isn't as much fun and definetly doesn't involve any adventures. Decisions decisions.


  1. Might be easier to maintain just one? I used to put detailed training notes on my Fetch/Bike Journal training logs but I don't bother now I just note it all down in my blog and use the logs for stats only. Can't believe you only rode 45 miles, in my head Stockport is miles and miles away! Though I suppose I've only ever gone there using the M6/M61/M60 - another example of car travel divorcing me from reality.

  2. i can't believe you did 45 miles of 'utility' biking! keep blogging here whatever you decide :)

  3. This blog is staying, I wondering about incorporating the other stuff. Means it won't be all bike/exercise related. More of the boring bits of me.

    Yes I always thought it was further, although I thought 45miles was reasonable, not only 45 miles ;)

  4. Sorry, your right of course it is a good distance!

  5. It's ok I knew exactly what you meant! I used to think it was a long way. But is only 20miles from my house, came back a longer way to get wool in ramsbottom for a present.

  6. Wow, that's some serious utility mileage!

    As for the blog combining? I guess it depends on how you feel about sharing the non-sporty bits of your life with a wider audience than you currently do. I think most blogs I follow are by riders or runners but end of with a good dollop of rest of life in there too.

  7. Yes well I was on a road bike in full road kit and it was only small what I needed to fitted in a back pocket, so could have been counted as a ride, but the reason was utility.

    I worry it would put people off my blog. But then the blogs I read fall into two categories, the sporty peeps and the loony peeps, mine at the moment is I suppose at the sporty end. The other blog is in a place that you have to a member to read it, but its easy to join, but I hardly update it and its a faff to get to compared to this. Decisions decisions.

  8. i guess you have to think about why you blog. i bet the main reason isn't for others to read. but if it's well written and interesting people will

  9. I started blogging as I was enjoying reading blogs. I know mine won't be well written as I have no skills in that area, but I love knowing people read it, sad I guess!

  10. I have two blogs too, the biking one has been just biking, though somehow some dog pics manage to end up on it ;) The other one is knitting, house stuff, pets, stuff I've cooked, random stuff...and it's been neglected all fall! I like reading the non sporty stuff on bike blogs too, so combining sounds fine to me!

    The road/utility ride sounds good. I'd like to get a comfortable small backpack at some point for that sort of thing.

  11. no, i don't think it's sad. and people certainly read this blog, so you must be doing something right :)
    have you asked the same question on the 'other side'?

  12. Other bog address Sarah? I'm thinking of teaching myself to knit in the new year, I crochet and love it. Although I hadn't done any for a year till the other week.

    The other side has gone quiet and I haven't been blogging there much, hence the thought that just combining makes sense. Most people who read that read this one too.

  13. Trio, my other blog is here:
    and while I haven't posted lately there is a lot of older stuff...more than you'll really want to see ;)
