Wednesday, 4 February 2009

I'm just scared!

Went out on the cross bike today, well I need to learn how to ride it if I'm going to race on it on saturday! Worked out why they have bar top levers, they must pull more cable as I could stop on road using them! Did a loop I usually run and then extended it. It had everything, I tried running uphill with the bike on my shoulder and although the top tube being flat helps I think I need some padding. The other problem is any time I made up on flatter bits I lost going downhill at so slow a pace, too scared to do anything else since my brakes don't seem to stop me and there was ice and snow everywhere! Tomorrow I need to learn how to jump on and off the bike!

16.22 miles @ 8.1mph
458m of ascent


  1. well.. at least you've finally got the correct bike for CROSS races.

    people who use MTBs in a cross race should be shot, or pushed into brambles or something

    I keep forgetting I have a cross frameset. don't have any parts though.

  2. The bar top levers do work a lot better on my cx bike and I use them for intersections/traffic. Can't wait to find out how you do with mounts/dismounts. Sadly I am still hopeless, but I will keep working at it!

  3. Just wait until you switch back to the MTB. You'll be flying!

    Don't forget they paint all the rocks, roots etc white in a CX race so the terrain isn't as difficult.

  4. Matt So I should have been shot? I'm sorry I didn't have a cross bike then! I will now enter all mountain bike events on a cross bike and all cross events on a mountain bike ;)

    Red Bike they won't be painted this weekend though!

  5. painting roots and rocks? We'll be doing nothing of the sort!

  6. I expect them pink! you have to do something to help me out!

  7. i reckon closing of eyes may help;)

  8. pipe lagging from B&Q, perfect.

    Don't listen to Matt, he's crazy. Obviously you'll already be aware of that fact.

  9. Great to see you've got a cross bike Trio. Good luck in your race on Saturday. You'll be fine. 'Cross courses are not as technical as mountain bike courses. Make the most of all 'cross racing opportunities as the season has almost finished - but then again, you're doing the 3 Peaks !! :-)

  10. I'm thinking of doing the three peaks, the race on saturday is a mixed race, unsure what is the best bike. Had meant to go today and have a go on the course and see what I thought but the day disappeared!

  11. Thanks for your comments on crossjunkie - I posted a reply to your question about tire pressures. Let us all know what the course looks like if you make it today.


  12. Looks awfully cold ... Good luck in your race tomorrow.
