Thursday, 12 February 2009

Going out for coffee (or chocolate in my case)

I had big plans for today but what happened is I stayed in my PJ's till lunchtime when I thought I should nip out to the shops to get some bread and make a sandwich. Fortunately the day was saved as I had arranged to meet someone for coffee at Rivi.

18.43 miles @ 13.5 mph
367m of ascent


  1. Have you been to the chocolate cafe in Ramsbottom yet?

  2. No but it is on my list, maybe somewhere we could meet for cake one day, maybe even do a little ride beforehand?

  3. Sounds good to me Trio - but I'll have to attach my bungee cord to your cross bike!

  4. Don't give me that, you are a mountain goat!!!

  5. WAS.....WAS.....WAS.... now large cow
