Saturday, 6 February 2010

Taking my own advice

Today I am resting my legs! Having gone from doing hardly any exercise - I never quite got to nothing - to lots! I am always reminding people how rest is one of the most important parts of training. Without the rest you won't recover and improve. But have I been taking my own advice? No my last rest day was over a week ago when I spent the day with my mum. Since then there has been something everyday. Some days it is just commuting and I do take it easy but the shortest day of that was an 18mile round trip. Today I was planning on doing the park run and then rushing off to work. I decided yesterday that this was just a silly idea and so today is going to be a rest day. Yes I will ride to and from work, but at less than two miles each way I think that is fine! The rest of the day is going to spent doing basically nothing. My legs are sore they will appreciate it! Then tomorrow I have a plan that involves bikes, chips and ice-cream!


  1. Good call. I'm taking it easy today too and had a rest day yesterday after pasting myself on the turbo. A pootle into town on my bike and a very easy local run later. A nice way to spend a Saturday.

  2. well done. i'm brilliant at telling others what to do....

  3. I'm a little scared to have a day off at the moment as it does seem to be keeping me stable!

    But I'm so tired today it is a good thing!

  4. Well done on your rest day. V wise. I ran the park run on your behalf I think! Maybe you can do the next one and get me a better time!!

  5. What a good idea, we can take it in turns. I'll have your times as you are faster than me ;-)

  6. Looking forward to the rest day makes you train harder (well it does for me)....then you enjoy your rest day and feel like you deserve it
