Sunday 1 March 2009

Dinner with my folks

Today Ali wanted to do her long run and my folks had invited us to dinner so a plan was hatched. I would ride there and she would run, getting a lift back (I obviously rode home as well). The route was plotted and we headed off. At the start we both knew the trails and I did some extra loops but as she started to tire and wasn't as sure where she was going we stayed together. We arrived at my folks after 15.5 miles, nearly all off-road. Ali was shattered and ready for her dinner!


  1. Why a backpack and a bottle?

    Couldn't you of carried everything for her?

  2. Bottle is energy drink, camelbak is water, I had her clothes!

  3. well done ali and only a week after the half!

  4. Yes she is fab, but she needs to build up her long runs now to get ready for the marathon. She says she liked that way of doing it, when she felt good she sent me off but when it got harder I rode with her so I think that'll be the plan for longer runs.
