Saturday, 19 September 2009

Rivi half marathon.

Today was going to be the much needed rest day. So when we woke up we decided to wander over and watch kate, Jane, Julbags and Jumbly run the rivi half marathon. The day was perfect for running, or wandering around eating ice-creams like Ali and I did!

The route seemed mainly off-road.

The trails were dry.

There were some steep bits though.

Afterwards it was off to the pub for food and a chat.


  1. Really glad you came out to watch, the cheering on during the race was much appreciated and the pub after was such a lot of fun.

  2. That looks very hard.

    Well done Ladies!!

  3. good to you guys today. and amazingly you have managed to take a photo without me gurning!!

  4. pics of the ice creams?
