Monday, 29 June 2009

Becomming a roadie!

My blog has been very quite as I have just seemed to run out of time! I was looking at my stats for this month and it has been a poor month for mountain biking - about 80miles. But loads of road miles riding to work and then the last weekend for a course in Wilmslow. The good thing is it was the personal trainer course and I was loving it. Not looking forward to the having to find clients, but once I do its going to be fun!

Anyway I will try and do better and I might as well admit now, no century for me again this month!


  1. I never get to MTB much either.

    It sounds like you're doing LOADS.
    I hope the personnel training works out. - Don't be too hard on your clients!

  2. Road miles have their place, did allot last year before TW. Worth it for the CX season!

  3. Hi Trio.

    I know you've got the second CycleChat track meet on July 25th so your legs might be a bit tired, but you'd be welcome to get your July century in on my Malham ride on the 26th.

    At the moment the rider list is me, Alun, redbike, PaulB and (probably) longers.

    It's an ultra-scenic route and we will be riding at a leisurely pace and making a couple of cafe stops so even if you are feeling a bit tired, you should be okay.

